May 02, 2010

Script Frenzy Toast

Wa whooo.... I gone done did it.  *grin*  made 100 pages of script in April, barely, and only by sheerest willpower some days.  'specially since we're busiest at that time of year anyhow.

So, as I mentioned, goodness knows how many posts ago, I was going to try doing script frenzy, now I don't claim to have enjoyed it as much as novel writing, and I'm not sure I like writing scripts, (format is all snakey and crap, no descriptive component except for telling the actors what they're supposed to be thinking so that they portray it that way)  and the structure is kinda odd, to say the least.  Anyhow, here's the formal document showing I did it.  Yay.

I would have to say the most enjoyable parts I wrote were the insane downhill rush in a pickup truck down a forest track by the two main male leads, and trying to create the female bond around the mutual issues from the past when I was trying to show the complexity of the two main female leads. (one's marrying the main male lead, and the other was the one dating him immediately prior to his taking up with the current one he's marrying)

Other than that, I needed to plot more, at least so I could have a line to follow (or ignore, but having a line there would have helped).

And on that note, I suppose I should at least put in more time on getting the damn thing finished so I can write it off and get moving on something more interesting.

Maybe a series of short stories about what goes on in EtherVille (where the etherbunnies live, and the origins of the ether-gnomes, those little guys that run packets back and forth around the internet)

Anyhow.  Gone for now, back later.  Thanks for listening.

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