June 30, 2010

Paradigm Shift

I know it's been done, maybe to death as a sci-fi thing.  But what about a character focused take on it?

What would humanity look like to an outside race?  We look at other cultures like they're some form of alien creation rather than a divergent track of evolution.  So, thinking further afield than that, what would we look like to an alien species?

First, what would we focus on? the culture is going to go right over the heads of most of any external viewers, it'll all just look insane.  But how about the larger issues?  Oh, and why should it matter?  Damn, now I have another story line I need to shelf and come back to.

One story at a time.

I'll get back to work here.


June 29, 2010

A humbling point has been made.

In the interests of complete honesty, I have cross posted this on both blogs, here and here, because I put it up on the writing site, then felt that it might be better situated on the how to deal with life side of my whining.  Back to the actual typing now.

Ok, wow.

I was just thinking lately about what I was feeling and how overwhelming life has been of late.
Then I read this post. Humbling. I'll just shut my whiney-butted self down and get to work.  Sometimes I need an external view point showing that I'm not the only one in the boat I'm trying to sink.
Thanks Rowena.


Humbling. I'll just sit my whiney-butted self down and get to work.  Sometimes I need an external view point showing that I'm not the only one in the boat I'm trying to sink.

Six kids and chaos, and they've still not let her alone to write "uninterrupted"  *sigh*  guess I'm being unrealistic in asking my two to leave me alone more.

I could go on and on about the meaning of life, supportive partners, troublesome teens, etc, etc, etc, but it all really boils down to me and my choices doesn't it.

I choose to stay up too late, work too much, then have to take care of the things that go bump (or more often, WHAAAAA!) in the night, so that I don't get enough sleep and then I lose out.  I'm aiming for big things, but that's not going to happen, hours of uninterrupted time, yeah...  in my dreams, literally.

How about this tactic.  I go to bed on time at night, and get up with the sun in the morning, work then?  That sounds more manageable, and hey, I might even get more good work done, maybe.

Anyhow, with six stories on the build, wasting time rambling around on a blog site is really wasted time if I'm learning anything.



June 22, 2010

Huh. Well, that didn't work out as well as I'd hoped

The title sums it all up.

I feel like a handfull of darts that were thrown off a cliff, I'm fracturing and heading off in too many directions all at one time.

I posted the other day about trying to re-dedicate myself to a goal or two, and since then I've been scattering worse than a handful of marbles in a skateboard pool.

I wanted to focus on writing, but all I'm doing is reading about writing, and not even really helpful stuff, but more like blogs and other things that while entertaining, are hardly useful for the actual act of writing.

So, in an effort to actually get things back on track, I'm cutting down the readling list to two blogs that I find highly entertaining, the first is here,


and the second is here


There are also other places that I will go if I need to find things out, liek submission rules and such, but in the main, reading blogs is out.  I have things to write, stuff to do and a family and a job both of which are more in need of my time than self-ammusement on the internet.

And on that note, Later.


June 07, 2010

Awakening, Clarification, and Re-dedication.

Well, the trip to Vancouver wasn't as productive as I thought it might be, seeing as how I was suddenly riding herd on the bulk of the boys on the trip, and the simple nature of the beast is that I was the driver, the one in charge, the navigator and one of only two men in the whole sequence of things that was willing to go.

So, in short, not a blessed moment to write.

I made a choice to try for 2500 words per day, and at my current rate of typing, I'm now about 17,500 behind, or will be by the end of tonight.

Oh, and because I'm too tired and lazy to count them all out, I'm having to type them.

So, to recap, the objective is 2500 typed words per day, of whatever format.  Some day's I'll do better, other day's will be a push to simply catch up on what I've missed.  But the ever present push and counter will keep me writing.. I really want this to happen, and I dont' know any better way to do that than to type, and type, and type..  you get the idea.

Some ground rules,
Anything I type for work doesn't count, no matter what.

Anything I put up on a blog for technical support or something (Sometimes I _do_ give back to the tech forums) doesn't count.

Instant Messaging doesn't count

Any replies to other's blogs or online forums doesn't count.

Having given the general idea, now for what will count.

Things like this post will count, original writing, posted or not will count, scripts, commentary on life, etc, etc.

To count, the words must be part of an original creation, or an addition to an original creation, not just the chaff of life.

Now, having said that, I have to get back to work, showed up late, leaving early, you know the story.
